Heteronormativity makes us prey: At 15 I believed acting out my crushes was worse than being exploited by strangers
I was more afraid of being found out than of being harmed.
I was more afraid of being found out than of being harmed.
The physical markers of the carceral state not only demarcate our mobility and freedom, but inform our performances as well, particularly Black masculinities.
By Hess Stinson If you a bad girl and your friends bad too, that's not a coincidence. It’s not uncommon for people to use their friends to boost their social capital and bragging rights, or to curate them in a…
By Rumi “It’s not natural,” she said. “Your father would be mortified,” she said. If asked, very few niggas would probably say that talking to their moms about anal sex constitutes the “good life,” but it’s one of those things…
By Daniel Johnson Honestly, there would be no Miley Cyrus, Iggy Azalea, Katy Perry, Yes Julz or any other white woman culturally appropriating Blackness without the continued support and validation of Black men. Black men are culpable accomplices when insincere…
*This the last segment of a four part series, between myself and Tabias Olajuawon of Blaqueerflow. After witnessing weeks of violence birthed from white supremacies, coupled with bursts of queer victories, we decided to create a healing space together where…
*This is the second part of an 4 part series of letters between Tabias Wilson of Blaqueerflow and I. To read Tabias' letter to which this was a response, please scroll to the bottom of the page* Tabias, It's so great…