Submitting to RaceBaitr:
We will be taking a summer hiatus while our team plans our restructuring. We will still be visible on social media but will be pressing pause on all of our editorial content through August 2021.
RaceBaitr is a community of people genuinely interested in exploring anti-Blackness, queerness, feminism and their relationship to those subjects.
If you would like to join this community as a contributor, we welcome submissions addressing these topics.
RaceBaitr reserves the right to publish submitted pieces at our own discretion. We look for pieces that will build upon what has already been created, not repeat, and that construct ideas in addition to deconstructing them. Though the experience of marginalization is often painful, RaceBaitR is also here to provide a space to showcase the joy and culture of marginalized identities.
Pieces on RaceBaitr should never be written as an appeal to oppressors. If a story is about an experience of marginalization, it should always be written to an audience of people going through similar experiences as the author (either unlearning their own participation in oppressive systems, or learning to cope with an experience of oppression).
This is specifically important when using words like “we,” “us,” and “our.” At RaceBaitr, these words should never be used if it is not clear what the parameters of the community being addressed are. Statements like “we don’t ever care about…” or “we don’t pay attention to…” are not accurate for all people, and almost always erase the people who we claim to be supporting (because in most cases they do care about and pay attention to issues relating to them, and they exist).
All pieces submitted to RaceBaitr will be edited with the goal of making it the best possible. Contributors should be open to working with editors and making changes when necessary.
Pieces should be original and can not be re-published elsewhere before 1 year without the express written consent of RaceBaitr.
You represent and warrant that you have all rights to grant to us and that no other rights from any third party will be necessary.
For original pieces published after May 1st, 2018, contributors will be compensated $100.
Submission Requirements:
Please send all submissions to along with the following:
- A 1 paragraph pitch of the piece.
- A 1 to 2 sentence bio.
- A high resolution jpeg of yourself.
Please consider this checklist prior to submitting: